Me and my mother at my grandma's funeral (11/2006)
Mother's Day for me is always filled with mixed emotions. I love that there is one day set aside to specifically honor our mothers, but I always end up shedding a few tears as I reflect on the many memories of mothers and grandmothers who have past.
Oh how I love my mother. She is such an example to me. She has taught me many things and without fail my mother is always my number one fan. I grew up with a mother who attended all activities I was apart of. She never missed anything, and yet to this day she still attends everything. My mother is one who is compassionate, loving, sympathetic, understanding, and competitive. Although she will truly never know just how much she has taught me, I'm grateful for days like Mother's Day where she is specifically honored and recognized for all that she's done.
Thanks mom!!! I love you!!
The other people I love to honor and remember are my grandmothers. Gratefully I have one grandmother who is still living and another who unfortunately has passed. This Mother's Day we spent time in Bountiful at a church meeting where my grandma Johnson was honored and recognized. It was fun being with aunts, uncles, and cousins. We then drove down to Orem and spent a couple of hours at the cemetery with my mother's family as we joked around and reminisced about various memories. What I love most about Mother's Day, it gives an excuse to get all the family together and just hang out.

Jenni, Grandma Cotant (oh how I miss her), Grandpa Cotant (love the glasses gramps)

(Dad's sisters) Heidi, Claudia, Aneladee, Des, Grandma Johnson, Cindy, Margot, & Maralee

Grandma Cotant's Grave

Grandpa Cotant & Mom

Jenni & Abbey (cousins)

Grandpa enjoying family time at the grave

Grandpa Cotant, Mom, Kerri, Kris (the fam)

Jenni, me, & Abbs (cousins)

Ashlyn & Jason (Jason was pooped on by a bird while we were hanging out it was hilarious)

me & Chad (Love my family!!)

Little cute Ashlynn

Kerr, Kris, & Kori (siblings)

My mom's family & my grandmother's grave

Kris, Grandpa, Kori, mom, Kip & Kerr (the siblings)

My handsome grandfather!!

Jason, Lyndi, Jenni, Abbey, Chad, Andrew, me, Brittany, Brooke (the cousins)